Allowing friends and family, near and far, to keep up with Miss Evra...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Big girl bath! (4.30.15)

Moving Evra's inflatable tub in to the real bathtub.  And now she can sit in the tub all by herself; only needs hands there for the very rare wobble or topple.  Our little girl is growing up...

Goofing around with Daddy...

Such a big girl!  Evra playing with her toys in the bath.  

And then she discovered her diaper for the first time.  It was pretty entertaining...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Whale watching (4.26.15)

Mommy, Daddy, Evra, Grandma, and Grandpa met Uncle Sam and Auntie April at Pigeon Point to do some whale watching.  And we actually saw one whale!  We didn't capture it in the photos, but it was pretty neat.  Afterwards we had a tasty lunch at the brewery, went on a nice stroll (though the second half wasn't so nice, as Evra had a melt down and screamed the whole way back...), and had some great family time together!

Beautiful views at Pigeon Point!

Hanging out with the fam!

All smiles!!

Daddy's happy girl!!

These are probably the best "pictures" that we got of the whale.  Haha.  

Pigeon Point Lighthouse.

Mommy and Evra!

Seals sunbathing on the rocks!

 With Grandma on the hike (pre-freak-out!)

With Uncle Sam and Auntie Apes.

The whole Spiegel clan!

Out for a stroll...

Happy girl and Grandpa!

Auntie April feeding strawberries to Evs for lunch.  Grandpa is supervising...

Evra showing off her big belly after eating all of her strawberries!!

Play time! (4.26.15)

Evra and Daddy playing with her toys.  Let's be honest: Mike had more fun with the toy than Evra did!  But at least he was good at entertaining her...


Evra didn't quite understand, but she tried to play with the toy!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hanging out with the fam! (4.25.15)

Spending a wonderful day hanging out with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa.  Evra couldn't have been happier!!

Trying out a sippy cup, like a big girl!  (Evra hasn't quite figured it out, but at least she tries!)

She pretty much bite and chews on the sippy portion, but she's figured out how to hold it with both hands!

Mommy trying to provide some assistance...

Hanging out with Grandma!

Those are two happy girls!

Play time with Daddy!

Daddy making Evra giggle as he makes elephant noises for her...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sleeping angel... (4.24.15)

Since Sunday, April 12th, (the past 12 glorious days!) Evra has finally been sleeping through the entire night, making Mike and I finally feel like new people again!  We knew that Evra could sleep through the night, since she has done it a few times in the past, but she hadn't previously been consistent.  So we decided to make the long nights of sleep more consistent.  It hasn't been easy.  The first night entailed listening to Evra scream for two full hours from 11:40pm to 1:40am.  It was horrible and I'm pretty sure my blood pressure went through the roof.  I even went in to work the next morning and had to have one of my work colleagues (a fellow pediatrician and new mom) reassure me that, no, I was not "breaking Evra's spirit."  Of course, I knew this, because she woke up the following morning with a huge smile on her face and was very happy to see me and Mike; it was obvious that she was not traumatized and did not remember the night before (unlike Mike and I, who will probably remember this night for a long time to come...)!

However, it's really heart-wrenching listening to her cry her little heart out in the middle of the night.  The following nights seemed very easy, as Evra would wake a couple of times in the middle of the night, but has only cried out for more than a minute or so once during the past (nearly) two weeks (and she eventually put herself back to sleep after about 10-15 minutes).  Evra has taken to sleeping with her Lovie, which helps her put herself to sleep at night and also calm herself in the middle of the night.  Her favorite way to sleep is to have the Lovie covering her face.  At first this made us very nervous.  We would go in to her room and remove it from her face, only to find that it had been replaced within the next 5-10 minutes.  So we have given in to her strange habit.  But it seems to be working for everyone, so I can't complain!

Below are some funny pictures of Evra sleeping at night, as seen from her video monitor...

And this is what she looks like in the morning, when still sleeping...

So thank goodness for an adorable daughter who sleeps through the night!  I will be knocking on a lot of wood after writing this blog, so hopefully nothing changes!

Evra at nap time.  Such a sweet sleeping angel!