Allowing friends and family, near and far, to keep up with Miss Evra...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Evra rolled!! (10.21.14)

Today marked the first of many firsts to come: Evra rolled for the first time today!  We were doing some tummy time on her play mat, and all of a sudden, she was no longer on her tummy!  We thought maybe it was a fluke, so we put her back on her tummy, and she rolled again.  She proceeded to do this at least five more times, to the extreme delight of her parents.  =)  We, of course, captured the moments in photo and video to share with everyone!  Please note, Evra is not yet an "ambi-turner;" she has only figured out how to roll to her right...

A video of her accomplishment!!  (Sorry about the poor quality, but you get the idea...)

Holding a toy and playing on her play mat before the "big moment!"

Immediately after her very first roll!  Doesn't she look so proud of herself?!?! 

Getting ready to roll...

Half way there...

Ta-da!!!  Brilliant!!  (At least we think so...)

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