Allowing friends and family, near and far, to keep up with Miss Evra...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mirror fun! (9.30.14)

Having fun playing in the mirror!

Taking pictures on the changing table and with the mirror.  She really seemed to like it!

Exhausting day...  Napping with Daddy!

Throwback: Ailia in the same outfit when she had her first doctor's appointment (back in 2011)!  Thank goodness for sharing clothes (most of Evra's clothes are hand-me-downs from Ailia)!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bath time! (9.26.14)

Today Evra had her first official bath (in the bathtub, not just a sponge bath).  Again, not too sure she was much of a fan.  But we sure enjoyed it!

Lots of napping (9.21-9.26.14)

Overall, Evra has been a very good baby.  She only has a few hours per day where she is awake and alert, letting us take in her beautiful grey eyes.  The rest of the time, she is sleeping pretty peacefully. So here are a few pictures of her napping (since that is how she spends most of her time...)

Throwing out some gang signs during an awake period...  =)

Family picnic! (9.20.14)

Nana and Dodo are here visiting!  Evra had her first outing to a local park for a picnic.

Evra was so excited that she slept through the entire thing...

Mike had lots of fun on the swings!

First time in the Moby wrap!

Happy, proud parents!  And yes, we do look quite sleep-deprived...

All of the Huffman girls!  Libby, Evra, Cheryl (aka: Nana), Ailia, and Katie!

Friday, September 26, 2014

First Happy Hour! (9.26.14)

Mike and I took Evra to meet some friends for her first Happy Hour!  She was the life of the party, though she slept through pretty much the entire get-together...

Tummy time! (9.18.14)

First time doing tummy time!  Loving the sheepskin blanket...

Mason wanted in on the tummy time action...

First bath! (9.17.14)

First sponge bath since coming home.  Evra wasn't the biggest fan...

Bonding time with Mason!!

Hanging out with Jen and Terry!